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Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII
Hindi Diwas Celebration 2024-25 Grade V to VIII


‘jao. ema. [MTrnaoSanala skUla d\vaarka maoM manaayaa gayaa ihMdI idvasa’

“ihMdI hmaarI Saana hO, doSa ka AiBamaana hO”

 jao. ema. [MTrnaoSanala skUla d\vaarka ko p``aMgaNa maoM ‘ihMdI idvasa’ ka SauBaarMBa p`Qaanaacaayaa- Da^.Aimata sa@saonaa kI AQyaxata maoM ikyaa gayaa.[sako AMtga-t skUla maoM Anaok gaitivaiQayaaoM ka Aayaaojana ikyaa gayaa; ijasamaoM kxaaAaoM ko ivad\yaaiqa-yaaoM nao baZ,-caZ, kr Baaga ilayaa.kxaa AMkur maoM ihMdI kivataeÐ, kxaa pllava nao svar vyaMjana ko ica~aoM saiht FlaOSa kaD- banaae, kxaa phlaI va dUsarI maoM khanaI vaacana, tIsarI va caaOqaI kxaa maoM ihMdI gaItaoM ka p`stuitkrNa, Paa^McavaI kxaa ko ivad\yaaiqa-yaaoM nao p`isad\Qa laaokaoi@tyaaoM va mauhavaraoM ko paosTr banaae ,kxaa CzI maoM pyaa-varNa saMrxaNa pr naara laoKna va saatvaIM kxaa ko ivad\yaaiqa-yaaoM nao p`isaw laoKkaoM va kivayaaoM ka jaIvana pircaya gaitivaiQayaaoM maoM Baaga ilayaa.skUla ko saBaagaar maoM ‘hasya kiva sammaolana’ kaya-k`ma ko AMtga-t kxaa AazvaIM ko ivad\yaaiqa-yaaoM nao baZ, caZ, kr Baaga ilayaa. p`Qaanaacaayaa- Da^. Aimata sa@saonaa jaI nao ihMdI idvasa pr Apnao ivacaar p`stut krto hue baccaaoM ka ]%saahvaQa-na ikyaa.


ihMdI ivaBaaga


    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red
    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red

    Assembly- Ganesh Chaturthi -Grade Pallav Red


      Teacher's Day Celebration
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1
      Teacher`s Day Celebration 2024 Part 1


      Teachers' Day Celebration at JM International School: A Cinematic Tribute


      JM International School celebrated Teachers' Day with immense joy and enthusiasm, bringing together students and staff for a memorable day filled with gratitude, fun, and entertainment. The event, held on the 5th of September, 2024, paid a special tribute to the tireless dedication of the teaching staff. The vibrant Bollywood theme added an extra sparkle to the Teachers’ Day celebrations.

      The day kicked off with choir performance and recognizing the Project Shiksha winners. Project Shiksha is an initiative where senior students took up responsibility of teaching different classes. Through heartfelt speeches and handmade cards, students conveyed how their teachers have guided and inspired them. The emotional warmth was palpable as students shared personal anecdotes and presented their teachers with tokens of appreciation.

      Following this, a grand Bollywood-themed cultural program saw teachers dressed as iconic characters from Indian cinema. From vibrant dance sequences to melodious renditions of Bollywood classics, the stage was transformed into a lively film set. Laughter filled the auditorium with theatre performances.

      Teachers also got in on the fun with a special segment where they answered in light-hearted questions of their beloved students.

      The day concluded with a special thank you from the Director and Principal, who acknowledged the pivotal role that teachers play in shaping the future, likening them to the unsung heroes of a blockbuster movie.



        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024
        Project Shiksha 2024


        Project Shiksha (2024-25)

        Date : 30th August 2024

        Students in the shoes of teachers

        As a part of ‘Project Shiksha’, student of Grade XII got an opportunity to get into the shoes of their teachers. They took charge of Grades Nursery to Grade XI. These classes were allotted to Grade XII students by the School Principal. 

        Students seized this opportunity, and they took prior guidance of their respective Class teachers. These Student-Teachers prepared different Teaching Learning Materials, and tried to make their class most impressive by enthusiastically demonstrating confidence and presentation skills. Students of all classes being taught by these seniors showed cooperation and welcomed the Student-Teachers with zeal. 

        The Student-Teachers were assessed on their skills by the Class teachers and observers or respective classes. 

        ect Shiksha 2024


          Dr. Amita Saxena, Principal awarded with 50 Most Effective Principal's Award by Education Today for an exemplary contribution in the field of education.

          Dr. Amita Saxena, Principal awarded with 50 Most Effective Principal's Award by Education Today for an exemplary contribution in the field of education.


            J M International School, Dwarka, is awarded as the Best School under the Category- ‘Best Technology Integration’ in a North School Survey conducted by Education Today.

            J M International School, Dwarka, is awarded as the Best School under the Category- ‘Best Technology Integration’ in a North School Survey conducted by Education Today. 


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              "I have a simple philosophy: Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches. ~ Alice Roosevelt Longworth "